RougeLikeMap(width, height, x, y)

new RougeLikeMap(width, height, x, y)

an object representing the map data itself
1: a map consists of multiple things, A a 2d array of tiles ie: the literal map data.
2: the region data, ie: the subdivisions of the bulk space via the tree splitting algorithm
3: RougeLikePoints of interest
4: an array of events on the map

Name Type Default Description
width number 100

INTEGER the width of the map to be generated

height number 100

INTEGER the width of the map to be generated

x number 0

(OPTIONAL) x coordinate of the upper left corner

y number 0

(OPTIONAL) y coordinate of the upper left corner



the width of the map to be generated


the id of the map as it relates to mod saved data, not game data

mapTiles :Array.<Tile>

a 1d array of tile objects that represents the map assume y increases by 1 every maxX x

regions :Array.<Region>

an array of all regions

rooms :Region

an array of just leafs

rootRegion :Region

the root of the region


x coordinate of the upper left corner


y coordinate of the upper left corner


the width of the map to be generated



set the array to the correct length of empty tiles


push the map data from this class to the data map

setTile(x, y, tile)

set a tile in the array based on x,y pair

Name Type Description
x number

x cord

y number

y cord

tile Tile

tile obj


traverse from root region updating the list of regions


rebuild mapTiles