
contains common event info


static foods

an array containing all common event food ids

static largeFood

common event id for Mediumm food

static lootTables

an array of all common event loot tables

static medFood

common event id for Mediumm food

static randomAlchemy

loot table event for the achemilias

static randomBloodBook

loot table event for blood magic books

static randomFood

loot table event for food

static randomGoodArmor

loot table event for good armor

static randomGreatItem

loot table event for Great items (just soul stone?

static randomMinorBook

loot table event for minor books?

static randomMinorBook

loot table event for minor books

static randomMinorItems

loot table event for minor items

static randomMinorWeapon

loot table event for minor weapons items

static randomNightItems

loot table event for likely dungoen knights

static randomRareBook

loot table event for rare books?

static randomRareBook

loot table event for rare books

static randomRareItem

loot table event for rare items

static randomScroll

loot table event for scrolls

static randomWeapon

loot table event for weapons items

static smallFood

common event id for small food