The api for display in game messages to the player. Basically a glorified wrapper for ShowText command.


static _dreamXCompat()

add compatibility for dreamX choice help plugin

static displayMsg(msg, background, pos)


Name Type Description
msg *

string msg

background int

Sets the background of the message window;
options are 0 (fully opaque), 1 (transparent), 2 (invisible background).
The default is 0.

pos int

Sets the position of the message window;
0 is top
1 is middle
default is 2.

static displayMsgWithTitle(title, msg)

display a msg in the way funger handles speech

Name Type Description
title string

the title/char name to display in darkened text

msg string

the string msg

static doOnceNotBusy(cb)

que a callback to trigger once the gameMessage is no longer busy

Name Type Description
cb function

static footerMsg(msg, ms)

show a msg at the footer of the screen, using the gab text plugin

Name Type Description
msg string

message to display

ms int

the milliseconds till the event is hidden

static formatMsgAndTitle()

format a string into the form title msg, as though speaking

static showChoices(choices, defaultChoice, cancelChoice, cb, msgs, helps)

Name Type Description
choices *

array of string msgs

defaultChoice *

what index does the user start on

cancelChoice *

which index cancels the menu

cb *

a function that takes the index response of the use

msgs string

displays at the bottom of the screen

helps Array.<any> | string

displays at top of screen