* @namespace MATTIE.msgAPI
* @description The api for display in game messages to the player. Basically a glorified wrapper for ShowText command.
MATTIE.msgAPI = MATTIE.msgAPI || {};
// check DreamX exists for compatibility reasons
var DreamX = DreamX || false;
* @description display a msg in the way funger handles speech
* @param {string} title the title/char name to display in darkened text
* @param {string} msg the string msg
MATTIE.msgAPI.displayMsgWithTitle = function (title, msg) {
MATTIE.msgAPI.displayMsg(MATTIE.msgAPI.formatMsgAndTitle(title, msg));
* @description que a callback to trigger once the gameMessage is no longer busy
* @param {function} cb
MATTIE.msgAPI.doOnceNotBusy = function (cb) {
const int = setInterval(() => {
if (!$gameMessage.isBusy()) {
}, 50);
* s
* @param {*} msg string msg
* @param {int} background optional
* Sets the background of the message window;
* options are 0 (fully opaque), 1 (transparent), 2 (invisible background).
* The default is 0.
* @param {int} pos
* Sets the position of the message window;
* 0 is top
* 1 is middle
* default is 2.
MATTIE.msgAPI.displayMsg = function (msg, background = 0, pos = 2) {
this.doOnceNotBusy(() => {
/** @description format a string into the form title msg, as though speaking */
MATTIE.msgAPI.formatMsgAndTitle = function (title, msg) {
return `\\c[7]${title}\\c[0]\n${msg}`;
* @param {*} choices array of string msgs
* @param {*} defaultChoice what index does the user start on
* @param {*} cancelChoice which index cancels the menu
* @param {*} cb a function that takes the index response of the use
* @param {string} msgs displays at the bottom of the screen
* @param {any[]|string} helps displays at top of screen
MATTIE.msgAPI.showChoices = function (choices, defaultChoice, cancelChoice, cb, msg = null, msgs = [], helps = []) {
this.doOnceNotBusy(() => {
let helpsArr = [];
if (typeof helpsArr !== typeof 'string') {
helpsArr = helps;
} else {
choices.forEach(() => helpsArr.push(helps));
MATTIE.msgAPI._dreamXCompat(helpsArr, msgs);
if (msg != null) $gameMessage.add(msg);
$gameMessage.setChoices(choices, defaultChoice, cancelChoice);
$gameMessage.setChoiceCallback((n) => {
* @description add compatibility for dreamX choice help plugin
MATTIE.msgAPI._dreamXCompat = function (helpsArr, msgs) {
if (DreamX) {
if (DreamX.ChoiceHelp) {
* @description show a msg at the footer of the screen, using the gab text plugin
* @param {string} msg message to display
* @param {int} ms the milliseconds till the event is hidden
MATTIE.msgAPI.footerMsg = function (msg, force = false) {
if (typeof msg === typeof 'string') msg = [msg]; // add msg to an array if it is a string
if (force) {
//= ============================================================================
// Gab Plugin Message Extension
//= ============================================================================
//= ============================================================================
// Scene_Base
//= ============================================================================
MATTIE.msgAPI.Scene_Title_Create = Scene_Title.prototype.create;
Scene_Title.prototype.create = function () {