The api that handles everything related to providing ways to get unstuck in the event of errors
One of the biggest features is the ability to switch any currently running attorn events to be parallel instead.
static autoUnstuckOn
whether once every time an area loads unstuck will run
static playerFreeMove
whether player free move is toggled on or off. that is whether players can move regardless of msgbox and such
Multiplayer will turn this on by default
static convertRunningAutorunToNonBlockingAutorun(repairInMs, interpreter)
convert all currently running autorun events to non-blocking autorun events, that is make them run on a different interpreter than the
main map interpreterParameters:
Name Type Description repairInMs
int if provided after this many milliseconds, revert the changes made, repairing the map to its original state.
Game_Interpreter the interpreter to run these events on
- Deprecated:
- Yes
static convertRunningAutorunToParallel(repairInMs, sequential)
convert all currently running autorun events to parallel events --there by breaking out of any blocking loop
Name Type Description repairInMs
int if provided after this many milliseconds, revert the changes made, repairing the map to its original state.
boolean whether to move all of these to be parallel sequentially on the same interpreter (usually a good idea)
static togglePermanentUnstuck(bool;)
toggle on or off permanent unstuck, not the best solution either, but decent enough
Name Type Description bool;
bool whether to turn it on or off
static togglePlayerFreeMove(bool)
allow all entities derived from players to move freely even durring cut scenes and msgs
this does not apply to choice msgsParameters:
Name Type Description bool
bool on or off
static unstuck(t)
A method that will try everything I can think of to get you unstuck, this might break some stuff, but it should get you unstuck
Name Type Description t
num the number of milli seconds before reverting parellel events back to autorun
static unstuck()
an alias of MATTIE.unstuckAPI.unstuck meant for being called from console