
Contains all configuration settings for the randomizer mod.


static commonEvents

whether to randomize common events or not
!!DANGER!! This will crash the game. Its funny but it is not safe and will blow up.

Default Value:
  • false
Current Value:

static includeDungeonKnights

whether to include dungeon knights maps for map randomization.
!!DANGER!! this will likely result in soft locks, but is funny when it doesn't

Default Value:
  • false
Current Value:

static noFloorMemory

whether to make it so every door you walk through will always lead to a new location instead of having a memory and a set layout of the dungeon.

Default Value:
  • false
Current Value:

static randomizeAnimations

whether to randomize animations or not

Default Value:
  • true
Current Value:

static randomizeArmors

whether to randomize armors or not

Default Value:
  • true
Current Value:

static randomizeClasses

whether to randomize classes or not
!!DANGER!! tends to break things --if class gets switched with nashrah or test or... then it will break etc...

Default Value:
  • false
Current Value:

static randomizeEnemies

whether to randomize enemies or not. Note that this means randomizing the limbs
that troops are composed of.
!!Danger!! this will make the game quite incomprehensible but it shouldn't actually crash

Default Value:
  • false
Current Value:

static randomizeItems

whether to randomize items or not

Default Value:
  • true
Current Value:

static randomizeMaps

whether to randomize maps or not

Default Value:
  • true Works as long as you can use the books in your inventory to recover from softlocks Ex Altiora lets you use the airship to get un stuck and The Seven Lamps of Arcitecture lets you teleport to a new room (sometimes) if you got stuck.
Current Value:

static randomizeSkills

whether to randomize skills or not

Default Value:
  • true
Current Value:

static randomizeStates

whether to randomize states or not

Default Value:
  • true
Current Value:

static randomizeTroops

whether to randomize troops or not

Default Value:
  • true
Current Value:

static randomizeWeapons

whether to randomize weapons or not

Default Value:
  • true
Current Value: