The api for screen effects. IE: filters, screen shake, etc...


static addLightObject(object, active, r1, r2, clr1, clr2, blendMode)

add a game object to the list of tracked lights

Name Type Description
object function

any object with ._realX and realY

active function

a function to check if the light is on or not

r1 number

the radius of the inner circle for gradient

r2 number

the radius of the outer circle for gradient

clr1 string

the color in the center of the circle gradient, in hex ie: '#FFFFFF'

clr2 string

the color on the edge of the circle gradient, in hex

blendMode string

the blend mode

static drawCircleMap(the, x, y, r1, r2, clr1, clr2, blendMode)

draw a circle on the light mask

Name Type Description
the lightMask

lightmask to target

x number

the x cord of the center of the circle

y number

the y cord of the center of the circle

r1 number

the radius of the inner circle for gradient

r2 number

the radius of the outer circle for gradient

clr1 string

the color in the center of the circle gradient, in hex ie: '#FFFFFF'

clr2 string

the color on the edge of the circle gradient, in hex

blendMode string

the blend mode

static formatTint(red, green, blue, gray)

format a tint in rpg maker format

Name Type Description
red int
green int
blue int
gray int

formatted tint obj

static hidePlayer(ms)

make the player invisible for X frames or till turned back visible

Name Type Description

if provided turn the player inviable for this many milliseconds, else just leave them invisible till turned visible by something else

static lockPlayer(ms)

lock player controls for x milliseconds or till turned back on

Name Type Description

if provided the player will be unable to act for this many milliseconds, else unable to act till reenabled elsewhere

static showImage(name, id, x, y)

displays www/data/imgs/picture/name

Name Type Description
name string

name of file in www/data/imgs/picture to display

id int

the id of the picture to create (this is like the layer number of the layer in photoshop)

x int

the x to show the image at

y int

static showPlayer()

make the player visible again if they were invisible

static unlockPlayer()

allow the player to input and stuff again

static zoom(x)

a function to zoom in or out focused on the charecter in the middle of the screen

Name Type Description

the percentage to zoom, ie: 1 = none, .1 = 10x out 10 = 10x in.