* @namespace MATTIE.fxAPI
* @description The api for screen effects. IE: filters, screen shake, etc...
MATTIE.fxAPI = {};
MATTIE.fxAPI.trackedLights = [];
// Game_Screen
/** @description the base start tint function */
MATTIE_RPG.fxAPI.startTint = Game_Screen.prototype.startTint;
* @description the start tint function overriden to only fire if an effect is not being forced
* @param {*} tone [r,b,g,gray]
* @param {*} duration frames till end
Game_Screen.prototype.startTint = function (tone, duration) {
if (!this.forcingTint) MATTIE_RPG.fxAPI.startTint.call(this, tone, duration);
* @description set the forcing tint attribute to bool
Game_Screen.prototype.forceTint = function (bool) {
this.forcingTint = bool;
/** @description the base update tone method */
MATTIE_RPG.fxAPI.updateTone = Game_Screen.prototype.updateTone;
/** @description the update tone method extended to stop forcing if duration is over */
Game_Screen.prototype.updateTone = function () {
if (this._toneDuration <= 0) this.forceTint(false);
MATTIE.fxAPI.setupTint = function (red, green, blue, gray, framesDur) {
const tint = this.formatTint(red, green, blue, gray);
$gameScreen.startTint(tint, framesDur);
MATTIE.fxAPI.startScreenShake = function (intensity, speed, duration) {
$gameScreen.startShake(intensity, speed, duration);
* @description format a tint in rpg maker format
* @param {int} red
* @param {int} green
* @param {int} blue
* @param {int} gray
* @returns formatted tint obj
MATTIE.fxAPI.formatTint = function (red, green, blue, gray) {
const tint = [red, green, blue, gray];
return tint;
* @description displays www/data/imgs/picture/name
* @param {string} name name of file in www/data/imgs/picture to display
* @param {int} id the id of the picture to create (this is like the layer number of the layer in photoshop)
* @param {int} x the x to show the image at
* @param {int} y
MATTIE.fxAPI.showImage = function (name, id, x, y) {
$gameScreen.showPicture(id, name, 0, x, y, 100, 100, 255, 0);
MATTIE.fxAPI.deleteImage = function (id) {
* @description draw a circle on the light mask
* @param {lightMask} the lightmask to target
* @param {number} x the x cord of the center of the circle
* @param {number} y the y cord of the center of the circle
* @param {number} r1 the radius of the inner circle for gradient
* @param {number} r2 the radius of the outer circle for gradient
* @param {string} clr1 the color in the center of the circle gradient, in hex ie: '#FFFFFF'
* @param {string} clr2 the color on the edge of the circle gradient, in hex
* @param {string} blendMode the blend mode
MATTIE.fxAPI.drawCircleMap = function (x, y, lightMask, r1 = 50, r2 = 250, clr1 = '#FFFFFF', clr2 = 'black', blendMode = 'lighter') {
const pw = $gameMap.tileWidth();
const ph = $gameMap.tileHeight();
const dx = $gameMap.displayX();
const dy = $gameMap.displayY();
const px = x;
const py = y;
const paralax = false;
var x1 = (pw / 2) + ((px - dx) * pw);
var y1 = (ph / 2) + ((py - dy) * ph);
// paralax does something weird with coordinates.. recalc needed
if (dx > $gamePlayer.x) {
const xjump = $gameMap.width() - Math.floor(dx - px);
x1 = (pw / 2) + (xjump * pw);
if (dy > $gamePlayer.y) {
const yjump = $gameMap.height() - Math.floor(dy - py);
y1 = (ph / 2) + (yjump * ph);
const { canvas } = lightMask._maskBitmap;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const temp = ctx.globalCompositeOperation;
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = blendMode;
lightMask._maskBitmap.radialgradientFillRect(x1, y1, r1, r2, clr1, clr2, true, 0.45);
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = temp;
* @description make the player invisible for X frames or till turned back visible
* @param ms if provided turn the player inviable for this many milliseconds, else just leave them invisible till turned visible by something else
MATTIE.fxAPI.hidePlayer = function (ms = -1) {
if (ms > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, ms);
* @description make the player visible again if they were invisible
MATTIE.fxAPI.showPlayer = function () {
* @description lock player controls for x milliseconds or till turned back on
* @param ms if provided the player will be unable to act for this many milliseconds, else unable to act till reenabled elsewhere
MATTIE.fxAPI.lockPlayer = function (ms = -1) {
this.orgCanMove = this.orgCanMove || $gamePlayer.canMove;
$gamePlayer.canMove = () => false;
if (ms > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, ms);
* @description allow the player to input and stuff again
MATTIE.fxAPI.unlockPlayer = function () {
if (this.orgCanMove) {
$gamePlayer.canMove = this.orgCanMove;
this.orgCanMove = undefined;
* @description add a game object to the list of tracked lights
* @param {function} object any object with ._realX and realY
* @param {function} active a function to check if the light is on or not
* @param {number} r1 the radius of the inner circle for gradient
* @param {number} r2 the radius of the outer circle for gradient
* @param {string} clr1 the color in the center of the circle gradient, in hex ie: '#FFFFFF'
* @param {string} clr2 the color on the edge of the circle gradient, in hex
* @param {string} blendMode the blend mode
MATTIE.fxAPI.addLightObject = function (object, active = () => true, r1 = 50, r2 = 250, clr1 = '#FFFFFF', clr2 = 'black', blendMode = 'lighter') {
const obj = {};
obj.getContent = object;
obj.active = active;
obj.r1 = r1;
obj.r2 = r2;
obj.clr1 = clr1;
obj.clr2 = clr2;
obj.blendMode = blendMode;
MATTIE.prevLightMask = Lightmask.prototype._updateMask;
Lightmask.prototype._updateMask = function () {
for (let index = 0; index < MATTIE.fxAPI.trackedLights.length; index++) {
const element = MATTIE.fxAPI.trackedLights[index];
if (element.active()) {
} else {
// console.log('not active');
* @description a function to zoom in or out focused on the charecter in the middle of the screen
* @param x the percentage to zoom, ie: 1 = none, .1 = 10x out 10 = 10x in.
MATTIE.fxAPI.zoom = (x) => {
const height = Graphics.boxHeight;
const width = Graphics.boxWidth;
$gameScreen.setZoom(width / 2, height / 2, x);