/* eslint max-classes-per-file: 0 */
/* eslint no-loop-func: 0 */
/* eslint max-len: 0 */
/* eslint no-const-assign: 0 */
MATTIE.util = MATTIE.util || {};
// the chance on each wall tile that the rest of the wall will not generate
const chanceForWallToCollapse = 0.05;
/** the min and max amount of wall that can collapse */
const [minCollapse, maxCollapse] = [2, 5];
const wallTile = 1579;
const floorTiles = [1587];
const collapseTiles = [1661, 1662, 1663];
const floorTile = () => floorTiles[Math.floor(Math.random() * floorTiles.length)];
const collapseTile = () => collapseTiles[Math.floor(Math.random() * collapseTiles.length)];
const logging = false;
const defaultCanvasId = 'viewport';
/** the max depth to go to for width/height based splitting */
const maxDepthForWidthSplit = 10;
/** @todo remove this when done testing */
function getRandomColor() {
var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF';
var color = '#';
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)];
return color;
/** @description a class representing a x and y pair. */
class RougeLikePoint {
/** @description init a new RougeLikePoint with an x and a y cord. */
constructor(x, y) {
/** @description the x cord */
this.x = x;
/** @description the y cord */
this.y = y;
* @description a class representing a single tile on the map
class Tile {
* @param {number} x the x cord of this tile
* @param {number} y the y cord of this tile
* @param {boolean} isWall is this tile a wall?
constructor(x, y, isWall = true, tileId = floorTile()) {
* @description the position of the tile
* @type {RougeLikePoint}
this.pos = new RougeLikePoint(x, y);
/** a variable for weather the tile is a wall or not */
this.isWall = isWall;
/** the variable for tile id */
this.tileId = tileId;
* @description a class representing a region of space on the map.
class Region {
* @description make a new region from 4 cords, top left corner then bottom right.
* @param {number} topX x cord for top left corner
* @param {number} topY y cord for top left corner
* @param {number} botX x cord for top right corner
* @param {number} botY y cord for top right corner
constructor(topX, topY, botX, botY, parent = null) {
* @description an dict of left,right,up and down arrays of all regions this region directly connects to
* @type {{Region[]}}
this.connectsTo = {
left: [],
right: [],
up: [],
down: [],
* the upper left corner of the region
* @type {RougeLikePoint}
* */
this.upperLeftCorner = undefined;
* the bottom left corner of the region
* @type {RougeLikePoint}
* */
this.bottomRightCorner = undefined;
* @description an array containing all other points that are not in the main rectangle
* @type {RougeLikePoint[]}
this.otherPoints = [];
/** @description a variable that marks if this is the highest layer of the region IE: a region with no parent */
this.isRoot = false;
/** @description a variable that marks if this is the lowest layer of the region IE: a region with no children */
this.isLeaf = true;
* @description any child regions that exist within this region
* @type {Region[]}
this.children = [];
* @description an array of cords that doors are at
* @type {RougeLikePoint[]}
this.doors = [];
* @description the parent region to this region
* @type {Region}
* */
this.parent = false;
// assign values to class members
this.upperLeftCorner = new RougeLikePoint(topX, topY);
this.bottomRightCorner = new RougeLikePoint(botX, botY);
this.parent = parent;
// if this has no parent set as root
* @param {Region[]} arr
* @param {*} canvasId
static DrawArrayOntoCanvas(arr, canvasId = defaultCanvasId) {
arr.forEach((region) => {
arr.forEach((region) => {
* @description return an array of all leafs in this region's children
* @returns {Region[]}
* */
getAllLeafs() {
if (!this.checkLeaf()) {
let arr = [];
this.children.forEach((child) => {
arr = [...child.getAllLeafs(), ...arr];
return arr;
return [this];
/** @description draw all children onto the canvas */
drawAllChildrenOnCanvas(canvasId = defaultCanvasId) {
if (!this.checkLeaf()) {
this.children.forEach((child) => {
drawDoor(canvasId = defaultCanvasId) {
const canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
this.doors.forEach((door) => {
ctx.fillRect(door.x, door.y, 2, 2);
drawAllDoors(canvasId = defaultCanvasId) {
if (!this.checkLeaf()) {
this.children.forEach((child) => {
drawOnCanvas(canvasId = defaultCanvasId) {
const canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.rect(this.upperLeftCorner.x, this.upperLeftCorner.y, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = `#${(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF << 0).toString(16)}`;
* @description split this region into two subregions. This makes this no longer a root and adds 2 regions to its children.
* @param {number} numberOfSplits how many sub regions should be created
* @param {number} minPercentageLeft [PERCENTAGE OUT OF 100] the minimum percentage of area that the smaller sub region needs to have.
* @param {number} forceHorizontal above .5 to force a horizontal split, below to force a vertical
split(minPercentageLeft = 20, percentagePadding = 10, forceHorizontal = undefined) {
const width = this.getWidth();
const height = this.getHeight();
if (logging) console.log(`w:${width}`);
if (logging) console.log(`h:${height}`);
// the number of tiles that are dedicated to padding on all sides
const numberOfTilesPaddingX = Math.ceil(width * (percentagePadding / 100));
const numberOfTilesPaddingY = Math.ceil(height * (percentagePadding / 100));
// the min number of tiles for x or y
const minTilesInSubRegionX = Math.ceil(width * (minPercentageLeft / 100));
const minTilesInSubRegionY = Math.ceil(height * (minPercentageLeft / 100));
if (logging) console.log(`numberOfTilesPaddingX:${numberOfTilesPaddingX}`);
if (logging) console.log(`numberOfTilesPaddingY:${numberOfTilesPaddingY}`);
if (logging) console.log(`minTilesInSubRegionX:${minTilesInSubRegionX}`);
if (logging) console.log(`minTilesInSubRegionY:${minTilesInSubRegionY}`);
// randomly check for weather to split horizontally or vertically
const splitHorizontally = forceHorizontal == undefined ? Math.random() > 0.5 : forceHorizontal;
const minX = this.upperLeftCorner.x + minTilesInSubRegionX + numberOfTilesPaddingX;
const maxX = this.bottomRightCorner.x - minTilesInSubRegionX - numberOfTilesPaddingX;
let minY = this.upperLeftCorner.y + minTilesInSubRegionY + numberOfTilesPaddingY;
let maxY = this.bottomRightCorner.y - minTilesInSubRegionY - numberOfTilesPaddingY;
if (splitHorizontally) {
// clamp to inside parent region bounds
if (!this.checkRoot()) {
if (minY < this.parent.upperLeftCorner.y) minY = this.parent.upperLeftCorner.y;
if (maxY > this.parent.bottomRightCorner.y) maxY = this.parent.bottomRightCorner.y;
// get the y level to split at
let splitYLevel = -1;
if (this.isRoot) {
splitYLevel = MATTIE.util.randBetween(minY, maxY);
} else {
while (splitYLevel < 0 || this.parent.doors.some((door) => door.y == splitYLevel)) {
splitYLevel = MATTIE.util.randBetween(minY, maxY);
if (logging) console.log(`ysplit at:${splitYLevel}`);
if (logging) console.log(`minY:${minY}`);
if (logging) console.log(`maxY:${maxY}`);
const topBoxUpperLeftCorner = this.upperLeftCorner;
const topBoxLowerLeftCorner = new RougeLikePoint(this.bottomRightCorner.x, splitYLevel);
const topRegion = new Region(topBoxUpperLeftCorner.x, topBoxUpperLeftCorner.y, topBoxLowerLeftCorner.x, topBoxLowerLeftCorner.y, this);
const bottomBoxUpperLeftCorner = new RougeLikePoint(this.upperLeftCorner.x, splitYLevel);
const bottomBoxLowerLeftCorner = this.bottomRightCorner;
const bottomRegion = new Region(bottomBoxUpperLeftCorner.x, bottomBoxUpperLeftCorner.y, bottomBoxLowerLeftCorner.x, bottomBoxLowerLeftCorner.y, this);
// add to eachother's connection array
const door = new RougeLikePoint(MATTIE.util.randBetween(minX + 2, maxX - 2), splitYLevel);
} else {
// clamp if parent exists
if (!this.checkRoot()) {
if (minX < this.parent.upperLeftCorner.x) minX = this.parent.upperLeftCorner.x;
if (maxX > this.parent.bottomRightCorner.x) maxX = this.parent.bottomRightCorner.x;
// get the y level to split at
let splitXLevel = -1;
if (this.checkRoot()) {
splitXLevel = MATTIE.util.randBetween(minX, maxX);
} else {
while (splitXLevel < 0 || this.parent.doors.some((door) => door.x == splitXLevel)) {
splitXLevel = MATTIE.util.randBetween(minX, maxX);
if (logging) console.log(`xsplit at:${splitXLevel}`);
if (logging) console.log(`minX:${minX}`);
if (logging) console.log(`maxX:${maxX}`);
const leftBoxUpperLeftCorner = this.upperLeftCorner;
const leftBoxLowerLeftCorner = new RougeLikePoint(splitXLevel, this.bottomRightCorner.y);
const leftRegion = new Region(leftBoxUpperLeftCorner.x, leftBoxUpperLeftCorner.y, leftBoxLowerLeftCorner.x, leftBoxLowerLeftCorner.y, this);
const rightBoxUpperLeftCorner = new RougeLikePoint(splitXLevel, this.upperLeftCorner.y);
const rightBoxLowerLeftCorner = this.bottomRightCorner;
const rightRegion = new Region(rightBoxUpperLeftCorner.x, rightBoxUpperLeftCorner.y, rightBoxLowerLeftCorner.x, rightBoxLowerLeftCorner.y, this);
// add to eachother's connection array
const door = new RougeLikePoint(splitXLevel, MATTIE.util.randBetween(minY + 2, maxY - 2));
// update the region as it is no longer a leaf.
/** @description split this region into subregions, then split those into subregions and so on for x depth */
splitXDeep(x) {
if (x <= 0) return;
if (!this.checkLeaf()) {
this.children.forEach((child) => {
// decrement by one and recurse
child.splitXDeep(x - 1);
* @description split this region into subregions, then split those into subregions and so on till regions are all within desired width and height
* @param {*} width the target width
* @param {*} height the target height
* @returns null
splitTillWidth(width, height, currentDepth = 0) {
let force;
const inWidth = MATTIE.util.checkNumberInRange(this.getWidth(), 0, width);
const inHeight = MATTIE.util.checkNumberInRange(this.getHeight(), 0, height);
if (logging)console.log(`width:${this.getWidth()}`);
if (logging)console.log(`Height:${this.getHeight()}`);
// if close to width goal force split
if (!inWidth && inHeight && (MATTIE.util.checkNumberInRange(this.getWidth(), 0, width * 1.2) || currentDepth > 3)) force = 0;
// if close to height goal force split
if (inWidth && !inHeight && (MATTIE.util.checkNumberInRange(this.getHeight(), 0, height * 1.2) || currentDepth > 2)) force = 1;
if (inWidth && inHeight) return;
if (currentDepth >= maxDepthForWidthSplit) return;
this.split(10, 20, force);
if (!this.checkLeaf()) {
this.children.forEach((child) => {
// decrement by one and recurse
child.splitTillWidth(width, height, currentDepth + 1);
* @description check if this is a leaf and update accordingly
checkLeaf() {
this.isLeaf = this.children.length == 0;
return this.isLeaf;
* @description check if this is a root and update accordingly
checkRoot() {
this.isRoot = this.parent == null;
return this.isRoot;
/** @description returns the width of this region */
getWidth() {
return Math.abs(this.upperLeftCorner.x - this.bottomRightCorner.x);
/** @description returns the height of this region */
getHeight() {
return Math.abs(this.upperLeftCorner.y - this.bottomRightCorner.y);
* @description check if a point is within the bounds of the region
* @param {*} x
* @param {*} y
isWithinBounds(x, y) {
const inBounds = false;
// check if point in set of other points
if (this.otherPoints.some((point) => point.x == x && point.y == y)) return true;
// check if x and y are in bounds
if (this.bottomRightCorner.x < x && this.upperLeftCorner.y < y) return false;
if (this.bottomRightCorner.y > y && this.upperLeftCorner.x > x) return false;
// thus in bounds
return true;
* @description an object representing the map data itself
* 1: a map consists of multiple things, A a 2d array of tiles ie: the literal map data.
* 2: the region data, ie: the subdivisions of the bulk space via the tree splitting algorithm
* 3: RougeLikePoints of interest
* 4: an array of events on the map
* */
class RougeLikeMap {
* @description insatiate a new object of the map controller
* @param {number} width INTEGER the width of the map to be generated
* @param {number} height INTEGER the width of the map to be generated
* @param {number} x (OPTIONAL) x coordinate of the upper left corner
* @param {number} y (OPTIONAL) y coordinate of the upper left corner
constructor(width = 100, height = 100, x = 0, y = 0) {
/** @description the width of the map to be generated */
this.width = 25;
/** @description the width of the map to be generated */
this.height = 25;
/** @description x coordinate of the upper left corner */
this.upperLeftX = 0;
/** @description y coordinate of the upper left corner */
this.upperLeftY = 0;
/** @description the id of the map as it relates to mod saved data, not game data */
this.mapId = undefined;
* @description a 1d array of tile objects that represents the map assume y increases by 1 every maxX x
* @type {Tile[]}
* */
this.mapTiles = undefined;
* @description the root of the region
* @type {Region}
* */
this.rootRegion = undefined;
* @description an array of all regions
* @type {Region[]}
* */
this.regions = [];
* @description an array of just leafs
* @type {Region}
this.rooms = [];
const targetWidth = 13;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.upperLeftX = x;
this.upperLeftY = y;
this.rootRegion = new Region(x, y, width, height);
this.rootRegion.splitTillWidth(targetWidth, targetWidth);
/** traverse from root region updating the list of regions */
updateRegions(region = this.rootRegion) {
// if at root wipe regions
if (region.checkRoot()) {
this.regions = [];
if (region.checkLeaf()) { this.rooms.push(region); }
region.children.forEach((child) => {
if (child.checkLeaf()) { this.rooms.push(child); }
* @description set a tile in the array based on x,y pair
* @param {number} x x cord
* @param {number} y y cord
* @param {Tile} tile tile obj
setTile(x, y, tile) {
try {
const realIndex = x + y * this.width;
this.mapTiles[realIndex] = null;
this.mapTiles[realIndex] = tile;
} catch (error) {
/** @description set the array to the correct length of empty tiles */
makeBlankTileSet() {
this.mapTiles = [];
for (let y = 0; y < this.height; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < this.width; x++) {
this.mapTiles.push(new Tile(x, y));
/** @description rebuild mapTiles */
updateTiles() {
const rooms = [...this.rooms, this.rootRegion];
rooms.forEach((region) => {
// draw top line
for (let x = region.upperLeftCorner.x; x < region.bottomRightCorner.x; x++) {
const y = region.upperLeftCorner.y;
this.setTile(x, y, new Tile(x, y, false, wallTile));
// draw bottom line
for (let x = region.upperLeftCorner.x; x < region.bottomRightCorner.x; x++) {
const y = region.bottomRightCorner.y;
this.setTile(x, y, new Tile(x, y, false, wallTile));
// draw left wall
for (let y = region.upperLeftCorner.y; y < region.bottomRightCorner.y; y++) {
const x = region.upperLeftCorner.x;
this.setTile(x, y, new Tile(x, y, false, wallTile));
// draw right wall
for (let y = region.upperLeftCorner.y; y < region.bottomRightCorner.y; y++) {
const x = region.bottomRightCorner.x;
this.setTile(x, y, new Tile(x, y, false, wallTile));
// draw doors
this.regions.forEach((region) => {
if (region.doors && region.doors.length > 0) {
region.doors.forEach((door) => {
this.setTile(door.x, door.y, new Tile(door.x, door.y, false, floorTile()));
* @description push the map data from this class to the data map
pushToDataMap() {
$dataMap.data = this.mapTiles.map((tile) => tile.tileId);
* @description the main class for generating and controlling maps
class DungeonMap {
* @description the dungoen map class for rouge like
* @param {number} topX top left bound
* @param {number} topY top bound
* @param {number} bottomX bottom right bound
* @param {number} bottomY bottom bound
constructor(topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY) {
* @description all the rooms of the dungeon
* @type {Region[]}
this.rooms = [];
* @description halls
* @type {Region[]}
this.halls = [];
/** @description the min size of a room (width or height) */
this.roomSizeMin = 10;
/** @description the max size of a room (width or height) */
this.roomSizeMax = 20;
/** @description the minimum rooms in the dungeon */
this.minRoomsInDungeon = 5;
/** @description the maximum rooms in the dungeon */
this.maxRoomsInDungeon = 15;
/** @description the min padding between rooms */
this.minPaddingBetweenRooms = 3;
/** @description the max padding between rooms */
this.maxPaddingBetweenRooms = 8;
/** @description the region denoting the bounds of the map */
this.mapBounds = new Region(topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY);
// the min and max percentages of a region to use as a room
this.minPercentageUsed = 0.4;
this.maxPercentageUsed = 1;
/** @description generate random rooms */
_generateRandomRooms() {
const numberOfRoomsToSpawn = MATTIE.util.randBetween(this.minRoomsInDungeon, this.maxRoomsInDungeon);
for (let index = 0; index < numberOfRoomsToSpawn; index++) {
let room;
let i = 0;
do {
const xMin = this.mapBounds.upperLeftCorner.x;
const yMin = this.mapBounds.upperLeftCorner.y;
const xMax = this.mapBounds.bottomRightCorner.x;
const yMax = this.mapBounds.bottomRightCorner.y;
const point1 = new RougeLikePoint(
MATTIE.util.lerp(xMin, xMax, MATTIE.util.randBetween(0, 1)),
MATTIE.util.lerp(yMin, yMax, MATTIE.util.randBetween(0, 1)),
const point2 = new RougeLikePoint(
MATTIE.util.lerp(xMin, xMax, MATTIE.util.randBetween(0, 1)),
MATTIE.util.lerp(yMin, yMax, MATTIE.util.randBetween(0, 1)),
room = new Region(point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y);
} while (!this.rooms.some((other) => other.isWithinBounds(room)) && i < 4);
/** @description generate random rooms */
generateRandomRooms() {
const numberOfRoomsToSpawn = MATTIE.util.randBetween(this.minRoomsInDungeon, this.maxRoomsInDungeon);
// split our space if its not split up already
if (this.mapBounds.children.length == 0) this.mapBounds.splitTillWidth(11, 11);
// extract all leaves and then randomly choose some
const arrOfRoomBounds = this.mapBounds.getAllLeafs();
const arrayOfChosenBounds = [];
// loop for each room to spawn
for (let index = 0; index < numberOfRoomsToSpawn; index++) {
// choose a region that has not been used yet
let chosenRegion = arrOfRoomBounds[MATTIE.util.randBetween(0, arrOfRoomBounds.length)];
while (arrayOfChosenBounds.indexOf(chosenRegion) != -1) {
chosenRegion = arrOfRoomBounds[MATTIE.util.randBetween(0, arrOfRoomBounds.length)];
const xMin = chosenRegion.upperLeftCorner.x;
const yMin = chosenRegion.upperLeftCorner.y;
const xMax = chosenRegion.bottomRightCorner.x;
const yMax = chosenRegion.bottomRightCorner.y;
const alpha = MATTIE.util.randBetween(0, this.minPercentageUsed);
const topleftPoint = new RougeLikePoint(
MATTIE.util.lerp(xMin, xMax, alpha),
MATTIE.util.lerp(yMin, yMax, alpha),
const alpha2 = MATTIE.util.randBetween(0, this.minPercentageUsed - alpha);
const bottomRightPoint = new RougeLikePoint(
MATTIE.util.lerp(xMax, xMin, alpha2),
MATTIE.util.lerp(yMax, yMin, alpha2),
const room = new Region(topleftPoint.x, topleftPoint.y, bottomRightPoint.x, bottomRightPoint.y);