// an api for getting general info
 * @namespace MATTIE.infoAPI

MATTIE.infoAPI = {};

 * @description Get the current name of the location.
 * @returns the display name of the map the player is currently on.
MATTIE.infoAPI.getCurrentLocationName = function () {
	return $gameMap.displayName();

 * @description Get the current name of the leader of the party
 * @returns the charecter name of the leader of the party
MATTIE.infoAPI.getPlayerCharecter = function () {
	const actor = $gameParty.leader()._characterName;
	return actor;

 * @description Get the current actorid of the leader of the party
 * @returns the actor id of the leader of the party
MATTIE.infoAPI.getPlayerActorId = function () {
	const actorid = $gameParty.leader().actorId();
	return actorid;

 * @description Get the current actorid of the leader of the party
 * @returns the actor id of the leader of the party
MATTIE.infoAPI.getPlayerActorId = function () {
	const actorid = $gameParty.leader().actorId();
	return actorid;

 * @description check if the player is in a menu currently
MATTIE.infoAPI.isInMenu = function () {
	const onMenuMap = MATTIE.static.maps.onMenuMap();
	const menuScenes = [Scene_Title, Scene_Equip, Scene_Item, Scene_KeyConfig, Scene_Status, Scene_Skill, Scene_MenuBase, Scene_Menu];
	const currentScene = SceneManager._scene;
	let onMenuScene = false;
	menuScenes.forEach((scene) => {
		if (currentScene instanceof scene) onMenuScene = true;

	return onMenuMap || onMenuScene;

 * @description get the string name of the enemy the player is currently fighting
MATTIE.infoAPI.currentlyFaughtEnemyName = function () {
	const id = $gameTroop._troopId;
	let finalName;
	if (id) {
		const troopName = $dataTroops[id].name;
		finalName = troopName.replace(/[0-9]*$/gi, '').replace(/_/gi, ' ');

	return $gameParty.inBattle() ? finalName : 'No Enemy';